Rabu, 21 September 2011

Apricot - Youth-Enhancing Nutrients

    Link to a larger photo of Hargrand
  • Contains abundant of antioxidant beta-carotene, help in protecting the skin and lungs from oxidation damage and supporting the immune system, prevents free radical from damaging the eyes
  • Contains lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidants known for the ability to prevent the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries 
  • Has strong anticarcinogenic properties
B-vitamins, vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopene, iron, fiber

Isnin, 19 September 2011

Mango - Protects Against premature Ageing

An average sized mango contains

  • almost the total recommended daily allowance of antioxidant vitamin C , which produces collagen 
  • One of the few fruit sources of vitamin E, which together with vitamin C protects the brain from memory loss.
  • Bright orange-yellow flesh are high in beta-carotene, needed for clear skin, healthy lungs, string heart and good overall immunity
Nutrients :
Vitamin C, E , beta-carotene, fiber

Khamis, 15 September 2011

Grapes - A great source of instant energy,provide all round protection

    • Contains enormous number of compounds that are nourishing especially for convalescents
    • Treats age-related conditions, anemia and fatigue to arthritis, vericose veins and rheumatism
    • Full of powerful antioxidants, including astringent tannin, flavones and anthocyanins.
    • Help to prevent bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing the blood from clotting therefore protect the heart and the circulatory system 
    • High in water and fiber , great for detoxifying the gut and the liver
    • Black grapes contain quercetin, help to minimize inflammation, aiding the cardiovascular system as well as promoting healthy digestion
    • Raisins, dried grapes are full of fiber and high energy food, rich in iron, potassium, selenium and zinc.
    • Selenium is very important anti-ageing nutrient, offering protection from heart disease and boosting the immune system, and helps the skin by ky keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay.
    Nutrients : B-vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potasssium, selenium, zinc, anthocyanins, flavones, quercetin, fiber.

    Isnin, 12 September 2011

    Eat yourself Younger

    Eat or drink more

    • Food loaded with vitamin C - to counteract free radical damage and maintain a glowing complexion
    • Selenium rich foods - to avoid wrinkles offer protection against damage from the sun, and promote glossy hair
    • Foods containing iron - to prevent lackluster hair and a pale complexion
    • Vitamin B rich foods - to increase brain power and maintain the nervous system
    • Foods high in calcium - to help to preserve bone health
    • Foods rich in vitamin B, C, E - to maintain a strong immmune system
    • Foods containing zinc - to slow hair loss and promote hair growth
    • Calcium, magnesium, silica rich foods - to treat fragile, splitting nails
    • Foods rich in vitamin A - to boost immunity and maintain glowing skin and sparkling healthy eyes
    • Foods containg silica - for healthy skin, bones and connective tissue
    • Foods high in vitamin E - for the ability to heal and moisture the skin, prevent memory loss and protect the heart
    • Potassium rich foods - to reduce high blood pressure and maintain a regular heartbeat
    • Foods high in sulphur (a constituent of keratin and collagen) - to promote healthy skin, nails and hair
    • Foods containing omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids - for an alert brain, clear,and glowing skin, and protection against heart desease
    • junk foods
    • sugar
    • too much salt
    • alcohol
    • smoking
    • stress
    • lack of exercise
    • lack of sleep

    ALMOND - contain a host of oils and nutrients that are especially good for keeping the skin youthful.

    • Good source of protein - for healthy growth and repair of cells
    • More fibre than any other nut,  - maintain good digestion
    • Calcium - keps bones strong and to stave off osteoporosis
    • Mono-unsaturated fats and plant sterois - help to reduce the risk of heart disease
    • Fantastic source of vitamin E - for radiant skin, maintains healthy skin both internally and externally, preserve elasticity and repair damage, boost immunity and protects the heart.
    • Almond oil - soothing for the skin and effective in healing post-operative scars
    • Contains zinc - strengthens immunity
    • Magnesium - increases energy
    • Potassium - reduces blood pressure.

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