Rabu, 21 September 2011

Apricot - Youth-Enhancing Nutrients

    Link to a larger photo of Hargrand
  • Contains abundant of antioxidant beta-carotene, help in protecting the skin and lungs from oxidation damage and supporting the immune system, prevents free radical from damaging the eyes
  • Contains lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidants known for the ability to prevent the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries 
  • Has strong anticarcinogenic properties
B-vitamins, vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopene, iron, fiber

Isnin, 19 September 2011

Mango - Protects Against premature Ageing

An average sized mango contains

  • almost the total recommended daily allowance of antioxidant vitamin C , which produces collagen 
  • One of the few fruit sources of vitamin E, which together with vitamin C protects the brain from memory loss.
  • Bright orange-yellow flesh are high in beta-carotene, needed for clear skin, healthy lungs, string heart and good overall immunity
Nutrients :
Vitamin C, E , beta-carotene, fiber

Khamis, 15 September 2011

Grapes - A great source of instant energy,provide all round protection

    • Contains enormous number of compounds that are nourishing especially for convalescents
    • Treats age-related conditions, anemia and fatigue to arthritis, vericose veins and rheumatism
    • Full of powerful antioxidants, including astringent tannin, flavones and anthocyanins.
    • Help to prevent bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing the blood from clotting therefore protect the heart and the circulatory system 
    • High in water and fiber , great for detoxifying the gut and the liver
    • Black grapes contain quercetin, help to minimize inflammation, aiding the cardiovascular system as well as promoting healthy digestion
    • Raisins, dried grapes are full of fiber and high energy food, rich in iron, potassium, selenium and zinc.
    • Selenium is very important anti-ageing nutrient, offering protection from heart disease and boosting the immune system, and helps the skin by ky keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay.
    Nutrients : B-vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potasssium, selenium, zinc, anthocyanins, flavones, quercetin, fiber.

    Isnin, 12 September 2011

    Eat yourself Younger

    Eat or drink more

    • Food loaded with vitamin C - to counteract free radical damage and maintain a glowing complexion
    • Selenium rich foods - to avoid wrinkles offer protection against damage from the sun, and promote glossy hair
    • Foods containing iron - to prevent lackluster hair and a pale complexion
    • Vitamin B rich foods - to increase brain power and maintain the nervous system
    • Foods high in calcium - to help to preserve bone health
    • Foods rich in vitamin B, C, E - to maintain a strong immmune system
    • Foods containing zinc - to slow hair loss and promote hair growth
    • Calcium, magnesium, silica rich foods - to treat fragile, splitting nails
    • Foods rich in vitamin A - to boost immunity and maintain glowing skin and sparkling healthy eyes
    • Foods containg silica - for healthy skin, bones and connective tissue
    • Foods high in vitamin E - for the ability to heal and moisture the skin, prevent memory loss and protect the heart
    • Potassium rich foods - to reduce high blood pressure and maintain a regular heartbeat
    • Foods high in sulphur (a constituent of keratin and collagen) - to promote healthy skin, nails and hair
    • Foods containing omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids - for an alert brain, clear,and glowing skin, and protection against heart desease
    • junk foods
    • sugar
    • too much salt
    • alcohol
    • smoking
    • stress
    • lack of exercise
    • lack of sleep

    ALMOND - contain a host of oils and nutrients that are especially good for keeping the skin youthful.

    • Good source of protein - for healthy growth and repair of cells
    • More fibre than any other nut,  - maintain good digestion
    • Calcium - keps bones strong and to stave off osteoporosis
    • Mono-unsaturated fats and plant sterois - help to reduce the risk of heart disease
    • Fantastic source of vitamin E - for radiant skin, maintains healthy skin both internally and externally, preserve elasticity and repair damage, boost immunity and protects the heart.
    • Almond oil - soothing for the skin and effective in healing post-operative scars
    • Contains zinc - strengthens immunity
    • Magnesium - increases energy
    • Potassium - reduces blood pressure.

      Selasa, 19 Julai 2011

      Tips hari ini

      MENGUPAS BAWANGUntuk mengelakkan menangis sewaktu mengupas bawang basahkan dahulu bawang atau kupas di   atas air yang mengalir, tangan yang kotor sewaktu mengupas boleh dibersihkan dengan garam kemudian cuci dengan sabun

      Agar tidak licin dikupas celupkan tomato kedalam air panas.


      MENGUPAS TIMUNMengelakkan  timun tidak pahit setelah dikupas, kupaslah timun dari hujung terus ke bawah kerana pusat pahit pada timun ada di bahagian sekitar tangkai, dan jika dikupas dari sana akan meluas ke seluruh bahagian.

      Isnin, 18 Julai 2011

      Tips untuk Working Mum

      Untuk menjimatkan waktu dan kewangan:

      1. Beli barangan dapur yang kering dan lain-lain keperluan penjagaan diri, alat membasuh pakaian secara bulanan
      2. Sediakan senarai keperluan dan pastikan senarai itu dipatuhi. Anak-anak dapat membantu di dalam menyediakan senarai tersebut.
      3. Balilah makanan basah seperti sayuran dan ikan, ayam ,daging dan udang serta telor seminggu sekali. Eloklah kalau dibeli di pasar tani atau pasar malam.. Lebih segar lagi.

      Khamis, 14 Julai 2011

      Tips Hari ini

      Jika anda ingin menaman pokok memlalui keratan pokok. Stelah dicucuk ke dlam poly bag dan disiram tutup pokok tersebur dengan plastik atau ptongan dari botol plastik yang lebih besar lagi, sehingga bertunas dan berdaun agak banyak. Tujuannya adalah melindungi dari panas terik dan juga tak payah nak siram selalu. Bila dah besar sikit boleh buangkan plastik tersebut.

      recycled plastic milk jug
      Plastic bottle minus their bottoms, make excellent cloches by protecting tender plants against frost, heavy rain, scorching sun and so on. To keep it from blowing away, poke a hole at the top of the handle and thread a piece of heavy wire so it reaches down into the soil. Photo by Marion Owen

      Rabu, 6 Julai 2011

      Khatam kelas membina blog dan facebook

      dah hampir selesai kelas membina blog n facebook. Terima kasih kepada Cikgu Nor yang banyak bersabar dengan kerenah budak kelas dewasa...TERIMA KASIHthank you

      Selasa, 5 Julai 2011

      how to save electric bills

      energy saving kettle
      1. tukar electric thermos kepada energy saving electric kettle ...macam kat hotel tu ......

      2.    tukar mentol biasa kepada energy saving light
      3.    Taman pokok di keliling rumah anda.....kalau ada ruang....la

      4.     Masak pakai kayu api......

      5.   Jangan pakai elektrik langsung......tutup semua switch.....duduk kat pondok or dangau di tepi sawah

      contoh je le

      To light a House

      Light a house by the sea at night oly to be seen......day time cannot maa....already got sunlight!!
      light house

      Isnin, 4 Julai 2011

      how to take care of color pencil tips

      put all the color pencils up right in a container.....its up to you

      Tulips Planting

      Yellow Tulips
      cara menanam tulips ialah dengan membeli di kedai dan tanam kat dalam rumah yang ada air cond sebab dia suka sejuk tak suka panas he...he...he...lawak bodoh

      video saya

      Damai Laut Resort Slideshow: Fuziah’s trip from Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia to Lumut was created by TripAdvisor. See another Lumut slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.